Just Around the Riverbend!

I know I’ve said this a lot but Carson City really is a beautiful place, with tons of interesting and fun places to visit. Just five minutes from my apartment the Carson River winds its way around the outskirts of town, and a easy dirt walking path takes you right up alongside it. With the a break in the weather and the snow quickly beginning to melt, I headed down to the river to grab a few shots before the snow all but disappeared.

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Daily Detour: Throwback Thursday

Another from the yearbook vault!

Of course, one of the biggest responsibilities for our staff was covering all of the school’s sporting events. I personally loved photographing sports. It was tough, you had to take hundreds and hundreds of pictures, but when you got that one amazing photograph capturing a split second moment of action, it was all worth it.

This photo is definitely one of my favorite shots from that year. I don’t really like watching baseball much but it was definitely fun to photograph!


Daily Detour: Vans Warp Tour 2013

The Vans Warp Tour of 2013 was actually the first concert I’ve ever been to. Up until that point, I’d never really seen any “big” bands or groups live. But when the Vans Tour came to Dallas that year, I had my chance.

It was…interesting, at least. More than anything I just remember it being really hot, humid, and crowded.  But it was definitely a good experience, and it was fun being able to see exactly which of the bands there actually had any talent (a lot of them, in fact).

The highlight of my day there I think has to be seeing Bowling for Soup live. They seemed like a really fun bunch of guys who didn’t take themselves seriously, something that definitely translates to their mostly irreverent music.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite shots from my trip! Jaret Reddick is holding out his mic to the crowd, who are all enthusiastically singing the chorus to “1985”.

Daily Detour: The Balancing Rock

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If you’re looking for places to visit in the United States, then Moab, Utah, should be pretty close if not at the top of your list. Moab is truly one of the most beautiful areas I’ve ever been to, featuring some of the best and most difficult wheeling in the country. Every year during the spring thousands of jeepers flock to Moab for the Annual Easter Jeep Safari. I was lucky enough to be able to go one year, and while there we visited Arches National Park, an absolutely stunning area of natural arches and red stone.

The picture above is of the famous Balancing Rock, one of the park’s most popular attractions. Its a little difficult to tell from the picture, but the Rock is actually pretty huge, and its an amazing sight to see.

Hopefully sometime in the future I’ll get the chance to go back and be able to do a proper OhVenture!

Daily Detour: Throwback Thursday

One of my favorite things about wheeling is getting out into nature. The air is fresher, the skies are clearer, and everything just seems…calmer.

I feel like this picture really captures a lot of that. I took this as we were perched on top of a hill overlooking Laughlin, Nevada. We had just finished a day of wheeling and the sun had just started to sink below the hills, and I noticed the beautiful reflection mirror in the jeep’s glossy finish.

I don’t know if I thought much of it at the time, but looking back on the photo now I really like it a lot. I feel like it really captures that feeling of peace and happiness that comes from being out on the trail.


Daily Detour: Winter is Coming

Okay, so its still pretty warm up here in Carson City. But we are in the north, and you know what that means! Winter is coming!

I personally can’t wait for it to get cold again. If I had to choose between living somewhere always hot, or somewhere always cold, I’d take the cold. You can always just put on more layers if you’re cold. If you’re hot, however, there’s only so many layers you can take off, and even then you still might be hot, depending where you are. Plus, colder weather is so much prettier! You get beautiful white puffy clouds sometimes, snow, rain, sunsets…just so much more, in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I love summer just as much as the next person. But winter will always be where I live.

Anyway, with winter on its way I just wanted to share one of my favorite pics of cold weather! I took this with my iPhone back when I was in Texas. Might be hot there at times, but when it cold, it really got cold.


Daily Detour: Throwback Thursday

It’s Throwback Thursday again! Thought I’d share a couple more of my old Yearbook photos. These are from a production of Romeo and Juliet that my high school put on during my senior year. The one of the guy holding the torch was actually published in the yearbook!



Daily Detour: Out on a Friday

October 2, 2015

Friday night! That quintessential “hang-out” time of the week, where (most) people have a few days off to look forward to. Its the day we look forward to most and the day we mourn the most when its over.

Anyway, just wanted to share this photograph I took of some of my friends one memorable Friday night. Hope you’re all having a great night tonight!


Daily Detour: Throwback Thursday

October 1, 2015

Back when I was in high school I was fortunate to be a part of the yearbook staff as a photographer. It was an amazing experience and definitely one of the things I miss the most about high school.  So, today I wanted to share some of the photographs I was able to save. These are from a school event we had every year called “Air Guitar”. For those of you unfamiliar with air guitar, basically groups of students would get up on the stage and dance and lip sync to popular songs, and then the student body would vote and decide on a winner. It was probably one of the most popular and eagerly anticipated events of the year, and also one of the most fun to cover as a yearbook photographer.

Anyway, here’s a couple of photos I was able to dig up! Hope you enjoy!

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